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Erklärung der Schulgemeinde zum 09.11.2001

Diese Erklärungen der Schülerschaft und der Mitarbeiter des Marianums zu den Terroranschlägen in den USA wurden am 14.09.2001 mit folgendem Brief dem Bürgermeister von New York, Rudolph Giuliani, übermittelt:

Dear Mr. Giuliani,

We, the staff and the student body of our school, a private catholic Realschule and gymnasiale Oberstufe, the ”Marianum” would like to express our sincere and deeply-felt sympathy with the victims and especially with the injured and their relatives of the terrible and atrocious terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in your lovable city.

Our boys choir has been to New York in May this year, visited Manhattan and admired the noble and proud twin towers from the boat going round the island. It’s unbelievable that they should be gone now and with them many proud, hard-working and lovable people.

We met many good people and have had pleasant meetings with them. Our choir boys met many nice students at Kellenberg Memorial High School as well as at Chaminade High School, Mineola, and had a chance to make good friends -  and now there are some of them who have lost their dear parents! Just to think of the grief they will suffer…

To show our solidarity with your people we are sending you a declaration of solidarity signed by the representatives of our students and all the teachers.

We pray to God to give you and your citizens strength and endurance in this time of tribulation.

Your sorrow is our sorrow, your grief is our grief.

Yours sincerely,
Brother Josef Gossenreiter, SM